Mini Prism
Besides supplying a huge quantity of large-apertured Circular Prisms and 360° Robocit Prisms, we also manufacture different apertures of Mini Prisms (25.4m, 17.8mm & 12.7mm) with silver-coated and copper-coated, with and without canisters (housings), with 5 arc second and 8 arc second. Should you have any special requirement in this regard, please feel free to contact us.
Geomaster (Canada) Int'l Supplies,Inc
(a part of Geomaster Group) Montreal,Quebec,Canada
Tianjin Geochoix Equip Sales Ltd (a part of Geomaster Group).All rights reserved
ICP备案号:津ICP备17003947号-1 津ICP备14007425号-1